Stop trying to be perfect!


You are not the perfect child.
You are not the perfect spouse.
You are not the perfect sibling.
You are not the perfect parent.
You are not the perfect friend.
And you are definitely not the perfect professional.

You are getting stressed because you are trying to be perfect. Your mother says, “You’re not taking care of me” and you get upset. Your spouse says “You don’t love me enough” and that angers you. Your boss says “What kind of shoddy report have you prepared?” and that sends you over the edge.

I often tell my clients, “You are a human being, not an iPhone.” An iPhone usually doesn’t screw up. YOU DO. You always will. You were designed for screw-ups. Steve Jobs didn’t create you. God did. We often refer to God as HE and tell me, which male creation has ever been perfect? Other than an iPhone maybe? And even an iPhone gets heated up for no reason.

iPhones don’t screw up because they follow instructions. And nothing more. They don’t have a brain of their own. They can’t screw up even if they want to. How dumb!
Take a chill pill. Don’t get so worked up when people call you names, when people criticize you. Just do your best. Some things will work out in your favour. And sometimes there will be disasters.

This is how life on Planet Earth will always be. It’s so unfair you didn’t get a rehearsal before you were born. You went live from Day One. No factory testing for faults. No quality checks. Straight out of the assembly line and into the big bad world. I mean.. what was HE thinking?

Experience all of life – the high points and the low points. Life is meant to be a suspense thriller and what – you want it to be a Hum Aapke Hai Kaun movie? How boring.
Don’t give up so easily. You are not alone. I coach a lot of people who you can call successful, rich and famous. Still, many of them are as unproductive and stressed out as you. And they too have spectacular disasters in their pasts. And rotten relationships. You will look like an angel in comparison.

Quit trying to be perfect. Just be real. Just be human. Just be ALIVE yaar. Don’t give up so easily. We are all in the same boat. Virus or no virus, one day we will end up dead anyway. There is no escape.

Till then just have a ball. Go for something big. Don’t be afraid of failing. Eat lots of ice cream. Have deep, stupid conversations. Make friends with strangers. Ask silly questions.
Be alive and come alive. Come on…

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