Monday is a bad day of the week because we say Monday is a bad day of the week. There is no intrinsic reality in it. Our reality gets created through our language.
In reality there are no bad days of the week. There are only days of the week we can deal with well and days of the week we can’t. There are no bad spouses, bad parents, bad siblings or bad managers either. There are only spouses, parents, siblings and managers WE are not able to deal with well.
What else? The list is endless. There are no bad bank balances, bad pasts, bad resumes, bad professions, bad experiences, bad organizations and bad countries. There are no bad people. Everything and everyone that is different from us or is difficult for us to cope with does not automatically become bad.
There are atoms and molecules and we cannot create them. Beyond that everything in this Universe is a creation by you and me. The most fundamental thing society helped us create when we were kids is that there is something good and something bad. It is absurd, outrageous and outright ridiculous. And it is a violent way to live.
We create the world we live in by expressing through our language what is and what isn’t. Have a good day folks!