Chase your WIGs (Wildly Important Goals): Free Press Journal, Mumbai

FPJ400FREE PRESS JOURNAL, one of India’s oldest English daily newspapers spoke to me in the first week of 2020 about .. New Year Resolutions and New Year Goals!

I shared with them what I believe: Chase only your Wildly Important Goals (WIGs). Because your success rate in achieving goals is INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL to the number of goals you have!

In fact ONE of the reasons I successfully achieved my weight loss goal in 2019 (25 kgs and counting) and reduced my sugar levels from dangerously high (9%) to almost normal (5.5%) is because I DIDN’T chase too many other goals!

So here’s how the Law of WIGs works:

You chase 10 goals, you’ll achieve none.
You chase 5 goals, you’ll achieve.. maybe one.
You chase 2 or 3 goals, you’ll achieve.. ALL!

Click here to read the article online.

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Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.


Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.

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