“Got back my faith.”

Sneha Shiradkar – IT Professional, Hyderabad.

“Before I decided to seek coaching, I was quite apprehensive about spending money on something where I wasn’t sure of the outcome. I was already thoroughly confused due to my circumstances. I was heavily stressed out on the marriage front (I was 29 and single), my parents were on the verge of getting me married on gun-point, I was fat, I had a very low self-esteem (I thought I was committing a huge sin by troubling my parents and that is why I’m being punished) and so on. I had serious professional issues, I was losing interest on work, I was hopping from one job to another, overall I sucked professionally. The saddest part was I knew what could be done to get out of this, but felt too helpless to do anything.I had lost faith on almost everything.

When I took the exploratory coaching, Milind showed me a ray of hope, which I badly needed.

I used to be a positive minded person, but due to circumstances that I had brought about coz of my own personality issues, I had developed a very negative mindset. Milind helped me get my faith back on those things I believed once.

I never had a specific goal in my career but Milind helped me recognize my strengths and also helped me set a goal and direction to work in. He taught me how to think big.

I now have a direction and unwavering faith in my beliefs and I am now moving in the right direction. I have realized all my short comings and have started working on them. Milind taught me the importance of certain things that we never imagine can have an impact on our lives.”