Change the frame with which you see the world!


This is a beautiful world.
Everyone is a good person.
There is an abundance of opportunity on this planet to make a difference.
Making money is a piece of cake.
Right now everything is perfect the way it is and the way it is not.
Everything is happening for my greater good.
This is a friendly Universe and I am always taken care of.
Everyone is worthy of love. So am I.
People shower me with love and I love every person in my life to the moon and back.
There are enough jobs out there, especially the ones I will enjoy and flourish in. If I want one, I just need to look hard enough.
As long as my heart is beating and my O2 level is above 94 I have nothing to worry about!

You know, nothing in this world is actually the way it is.
It is only the way YOU SEE IT.

So if things are not working out in your life, don’t wait for the world to change.
Just change your specs, the frames with which you see the world.
Then the whole world changes.
Just for you.

P.S. In yesterday’s audience poll on my story more than 85% of you voted for the new frame (across Insta, FB and WA, can you believe it!) But I like the old frame more. Thank you for putting me in a soup.

But the transition from old to new frames is always hard. I’m sure you understand!

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