What’s in the Thali of your life?

20221125_195437Started my Monday with an intense 5:45am call. The lady I was coaching is recently divorced and is struggling to find a partner who can fill the companionship void.

“I’m tired of dating guys Milind. Whoever I’ve met so far, they’re no good.
Why does my mind crave for a companion? Why can’t I just focus on work work work, on growing my business and on parenting my two daughters well?”

“Do you get Thalis in Sydney?”, I asked her. You see, food is always on my mind, even when I’m coaching.
“Yes of course.. chapatis, rice, 3-4 sabjis, sweet, papad, woh wali right?”, she asked.

“Yes”, I said. “Suppose you point out to the waiter that the gulabjamun is missing from your Thali and he says, Madam we’ll give you extra paneer to compensate for it, will you accept that?”

“Of course not Milind. The paneer can’t do the job of the gulab jamun no?”, she laughed.

I added, “Yup. And the gulab jamun can’t do the job of the paneer. And the chapati can’t do the job of the papad. And the buttermilk can’t do the job of the pickle.

And your business can’t do for you what a companion can.
You don’t hear someone say “I have a job now so I don’t need to get married. I have a spouse now so I don’t need a bestie anymore.”

It’s absurd na? What’s the connection?
Your work, your marriage, your friendships, your social connections.. they are all separate compartments.

You see every person comes into your life to fulfil a certain need.
That’s why you need a husband/ life partner (if you choose a live in relationship) AND you need work colleagues AND you need friends AND you need close relatives.
You will play a different role for each of these people and each of these people will play a different role in your life.

And the sum total of all your meaningful relationships will create the Thali of your life.
Create an interesting, fulfilling Thali and then have it guilt-free. Your Thali. Your life. Your choices.

Don’t make your already chotisi life boring by eating curd rice thrice a day!
I’m enjoying the lovely Thali of my life like never before.  It’s time you enjoy yours!
P.S. In the pic is the famous Purohit’s Thali of Nasik, my native place.

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Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.


Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.

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