What we see is never the truth, only our view of the situation


You see a husband who’s irresponsible, but that’s YOUR VIEW, that’s not who he is.
You see a wife who’s stubborn, but that’s YOUR VIEW, that’s not who she is.
You see a boss who’s partial, a neighbour who’s a pest, a friend who’s not trustworthy, a parent who is dominating.. BUT THAT IS YOUR VIEW! That is not how they are.

You can NEVER see people the way they are. It’s impossible. There is a permanent filter fixed in your mind, and you and me see EVERYTHING through that filter, through those lenses.
Once you acknowledge this, a new life opens up. You see people newly and you can create relationships that work for you, instead of relationships where you suffer.
On the other hand, if you are stubborn and insist that your view is THE TRUTH, you limit the life you could live.. and worse still, that’s a fundamental ingredient in the recipe for misery.

This is not rocket science. At times I get the privilege of coaching children of my clients and in 8 years and 5000 hours of coaching I can only conclude that kids get this fundamental principle of life so much more easily.
It’s only the adult ego that stops us from living a blissful life. And that’s why I knock off one zero from my age and live the life of a 5 year old. I invite you to do the same.

Life is short. We hold on to our views and right/wrong attitude and our egos and before we realize it our life has passed by.. a very unfulfilling one.. and it’s time to die.
Wherever you are, whatever your situation, the moment you choose to ‘see’ things from a different perspective than the one you’ve been stubbornly holding onto, is the moment when your life can dramatically change for the better.

I want to request you with folded hands to ask yourself how you are living your life.
I want to invite you to the world of infinite possibilities that exist beyond the limitations imposed by the filters of your mind.

I want your support in creating a happier, more peaceful planet for my children. And for yours.
Lots of love and respect!

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Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.


Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.

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