Being a Money River


Today I paid the 2nd term school fees of my daughter Arista – Rs 56000. I was extremely happy writing the cheque and giving it to the school office.

But till a few years back my relationship with money was very different. I was very happy RECEIVING money but used to be very sad GIVING it away.

It all changed when I started seeing money as energy rather than money merely as currency. I realized that money is the kind of energy which brings life wherever it goes.

I learned a lot about this from my wife Seema. I remember how once in Chennai, an auto driver overcharged her and instead of getting upset she gave him the full amount with a thought in her mind, “May these two hundred rupees bring happiness, good health and peace to this man and his family. May this money help him purchase whatever he needs today. As long as these notes are in circulation, may every person who touches them be blessed with all the good things money can buy.”

I have often been told that I don’t have money stickiness.. meaning money comes into my life but doesn’t stick with me.

Despite that feedback I still pray for a life where money COMES into my life in huge quantities and GOES out of my life in huge quantities. I still pray that I am a money river and not a money pond.. a river which adds life to and brings growth to whichever life it touches.

A few moments before I die I want to measure my life by how much I could scatter and not merely by how much I could gather. Honestly I do not know whether this is the right way of living life or not, but for me such a life would be a life well lived.

Lots of love and respect.

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Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.


Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.

2 thoughts on “Being a Money River

  1. What an interesting thought. I have same relationship with money where I want it to be a pond and every time it leaves me, I feel as if a part of me has left.

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