A few tips for your weight loss journey


I am feeling so good about my weight loss journey today that I want to put down some tips that worked for me. (I’ve lost 26 kgs over the years and I’ve maintained it. See my before after pic in the About page).

Here we go:
The more emotional the reason the stronger will be your willpower. Like your love life and your personal relationships, your weight loss reason too needs to make sense only to you. Nobody else should have a say in that WHY.

For example:
a) I don’t want to be a burden on my family in my old age
b) I want to be able to fit into that favourite Tshirt which I can no longer wear
c) I want to look attractive in my selfies
d) It will be so nice when people tell me I look slimmer and I’ve lost weight.
e) I want to look 5 to 10 years younger than what I actually am.
f) I want a better sex life
g) When I go trekking I want to enjoy the trek, it shouldn’t feel like a pain.
h) I want to be seen as an active, dynamic, dashing personality.
You see what I mean?

You need to be a superman/ woman if you think you can do weight loss alone.
Go for walks with your friend, ask your spouse to monitor your diet, be part of your society’s fitness group, join a gym, hire a personal trainer, consult a dietician, get a buddy who cares for you and will keep an eye on your progress.

The body always remembers your maximum weight and tries to go back to that point. (Mine is 128kg). You will always be taking 3 steps forward and 1 step backward.
Every now and then there will be an ankle pain, a small or big illness or a birthday party binge which will cause an emotional breakdown and slow you down.
You put on 20 kgs over 8 years and now you want to lose it in 5 months? Come on, be practical. I aim for ONE kg weight loss every month and sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail (and I’ve lost 24 kgs so far). That’s how slow it will be.

If someone is bodyshaming you, ignore them or stay away from them. People who really love you will love you even if you are twice your current weight.
When you are overweight it’s a good time to screen who really loves you the way you are and who only loves an ideal version of you.

Hope this helps. Lots of love to you!

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Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.


Milind Jadhav is a Certified Life Coach who helps people do whatever it is they need to do so that they have ZERO regrets at the age of 80.

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