A guaranteed way to avoid failure


Often I am asked in coaching, “What is a guaranteed way to avoid failure in life?”

Here are some examples:
Don’t want a failure in a relationship? Don’t get into a relationship, stay single.
Don’t want a failure in business? Don’t get into business, stick to your job.
THE ONLY WAY to avoid failure in life is to stay where you are and avoid committing to anything new.

BUT THEN, that’s a RI-DI-CU-LOUS way of living life, isn’t it?
When you are creating the possibility of success, you are AUTO-MATI-CALLY creating the possibility of failure. Whenever you try anything new, it is INEVITABLE that life WILL throw a stumbling block in your path. And when that happens, you have to embrace the obstacle, deal with it in the best possible way you know and move on.

Life comes with NO GUARANTEES. Chasing a goal, however small or big, is R-I-S-K-Y business! RISK is an INSEPARABLE part of living. Like Clint Eastwood famously said, “If you want a guarantee, go buy a toaster!”

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