A few months backĀ thanks to my daughter’s insistence we got home a small fish called Fighter and put him in a small fish bowl. Last month I thought Fighter must be getting bored alone in his small bowl so I got him two friends (small fish called Rainbow fish).
Then the bowl seemed too small for the three so I upgraded their home to a small tank. The three started having so much fun in the tank that I got a bigger tank (the one you see in the picture) and got the trio four more tank mates. One of them turned out to be a bully and Fighter got so stressed, he died. I was heartbroken.
But the remaining fish enjoyed their new home and with all the food I was feeding them the tank walls started getting coated with algae. So I got a fish called Sucker (the big black fish you’ll see in the picture – breed name Plecostomus). Sucker is a super-cute, super-friendly fish who feeds on algae and in the process he ends up cleaning the algae from the walls of the tank. (He’s the in-house janitor; he cleans the walls, the tank bed, the decorative plants, everything… and that’s a real cool deal because he cost me only 50 rupees and the time he saves me is priceless.)
But now there is a risk of Sucker starving to death if there isn’t enough algae in the tank for him to feed on. So now I have to get something called Algae Wafers to supplement his diet!
You see whether we’re dealing with fish or we’re dealing with our own daily lives, THE SOLUTION TO ANY PROBLEM ALWAYS LEADS TO A NEW PROBLEM! Think about it. Every problem you have today was once a solution to some other problem. Nature has weird ways of keeping us busy!