“I now realize my power and I can unleash it to cause my own reality.”

Sejal Shah (name changed on request)- Senior Professional in Media and Entertainment Industry, Mumbai.

“When I googled “Top Life Coach in India” in February 2021 I was looking for someone who could find solutions to my problems. Little did I know that coaching sessions with Milind would be about shaking off my own limiting perceptions and looking at life in 4K HD TV quality.

I was a short tempered, angry, frustrated woman who was struggling with major FOMO issues in life. I had lost touch with my creativity and the daily monotone of passive living had slowly turned me to hopelessness. So much so I was advised to take “happy pills”. I knew this wasn’t the solution so I decided to get a life coach and it was one of the best decisions in my life.

Milind makes you break free. Realizations about simplicity of life hit you hard when you coach with him. My reaction to most things taught was “Damn! This was so simple, why the hell didn’t I see it” or “Woooooooow! That is true”. You take an enormous problem of your life to Milind and he just pops it away with a pin! 🙂

He is the mirror that throws your reality back at you without mincing words but lovingly. Every session leaves you feeling more powerful. His methodology is application oriented, it is not “aaj ka gyan”. Milind is a coach so ACTION is a given! Not to forget that I haven’t laughed so much anywhere else while discussing my life problems !!!
Continue reading “I now realize my power and I can unleash it to cause my own reality.”

“It was like a fog was clearing in my mind.”

Varsha Shah (name changed on request)- Business Owner, Ahmedabad.

“I have just finished a first round of coaching with Milind and I have to say that it has significantly helped me.

I first reached out to Milind a few months ago because I was feeling very unsettled in my career as an entrepreneur. I felt I lacked clarity on handling of my team. Should I be bossier and more authoritative? Should I be milder and less aggressive? I felt that my approach to people and relationships in the work place was not having the desired effect. I was looking for a way to have more impact.

When I started coaching sessions with Milind, it was like a fog was clearing in my mind. I was able to see clearly for the first time what I was doing right and should do more of, while also stopping what I was doing wrong. Milind held up a mirror so I could see myself clearly. He got rid of my mental biases and relentlessly pushed me to see the real me.
Continue reading “It was like a fog was clearing in my mind.”

“I wake up full of confidence.”

Daniel Gonsalves (name changed on request) – Senior Management Professional, Mumbai.

“When I first approached Milind, I was dealing with aimlessness, confusion, fear and severe procrastination. I had been made redundant at my job a couple of years back and had never fully recovered from the setback. This led to low self-esteem which was having a knock-out effect on my personal life as well.

I found Milind on the internet and was sufficiently intrigued to sign up for his free exploratory session. 3 things struck me during that first 45-minute phone call. First, he was an excellent listener. Second, he exuded an air of calm which I found reassuring. And third, he seemed to be asking all the right questions which is what really gave me the confidence to sign up for his 12-week coaching program. I went in with an open mind and the faith in Milind’s assessment that I was ‘coachable’.

During our coaching calls, Milind shone a light on many of my blind spots, which I was obviously unaware of. Like the disempowering relationship I have with my parents. Or the mind games I was playing with my wife. Or the way I constantly let myself off the hook professionally. Or my inability to listen effectively. Or the fact that I hardly kept the promises I made to others.
Continue reading “I wake up full of confidence.”

“I feel like a free bird.”

Shraddha Thergaonkar – Salaried Professional, Pune.

“I started off with feeling too overwhelmed with situations around me and loss of control of life but today I deal with life more powerfully and with fulfillment.

When I first spoke with Milind in the exploratory coaching session, I knew that his support will change my life and it indeed did.. It’s not like that situations are all gone now but certainly my perspective towards them have changed. I still get moved sometimes but yes the recovery or come back time has reduced drastically. I do not feel stuck and feel like moving on with more enthusiasm whenever I hit a block (learning opportunities) .. I feel like a free bird or spirit who can fly anytime no matter what the weather is..
Continue reading “I feel like a free bird.”

“I was able to let go of my life-long toxicity for people in my life.”

Sonia Mehta (name changed on request)- University Professor, Pune.

“Earlier this year, I sat down to evaluate my professional and personal life. Sadly, all I saw was an under performing professional and an unfulfilled individual. The imposed isolation caused by the pandemic further increased the intensity of these thoughts and fears. I decided that it was time to seek help.

I then approached Milind and the first, exploratory session convinced me that I was talking to a hard core professional who has the best interests of his clients in mind. After a couple of sessions, we started addressing issues with a direct bearing on my relationship with myself, my family and others. These were very intense sessions and I begged Milind to override them and simply focus on productivity issues. But it soon became clear that these issues could not be ignored. As Milind himself put it, “This plugs the energy leaks”.

Within a matter of weeks, I was able to resolve, at a personal level, the life-long toxicity and resentment that I had in mind for some family members. How often do we perceive as reality what is merely our mind playing games with us? And how often our complaints are just an excuse to escape from our own responsibility to fix our relationships.
Continue reading “I was able to let go of my life-long toxicity for people in my life.”

“I have developed the ability to fight injustice.”

Gayatri Talekar – Self Employed Professional, Nagpur.

“When I started writing a testimonial for Milind, I was excited to write it. But when I recalled the past, from where all it started, I started postponing to write as those memories were very painful.

It still disturbs me when I recall my condition in the past in depth. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I would not have met Milind?

Maybe I would have ended up in some emotional disaster… maybe depressive illness …..
Ufff…. so hard to think. So self torturing to recall.

Going 10 years back…. I was a scared, depressed, highly confused, powerless person. Everything seemed to be going wrong … job, marital relations, health, financial problems etc.

I had lost myself. I was not able to understand what was going on in my life. I had started feeling that my life was useless as my husband disrespected me and was unfaithful also. I faced physical violence also.

I had a torture-full life for many years with tears in my eyes all the time. It seemed as if there was no way to come out of all this. Despite being an educated woman, I was not able to take decisions to quit the relationship and move away separately with my two daughters. Maybe I did not have those guts.

I felt badly rejected and started having thoughts of termination of life also. I was totally wrecked. After discussing my issues, he did coaching for me multiple times. He did my coaching as and when required. Milind was always available for me whenever I needed.

Duration of conversation or time of conversation was never an issue. He had all the patience to listen to my problems completely. Gradually, over a period of time, I changed, my life changed and I started accepting my life the way it was.

The most important changes that happened in me that I really appreciate now about myself are:
– I am bold enough to take my own side
– I am able to resist injustice in any form, small or big.
– I am stable in my job and practice.
– I became more focused to look after my kids.

All the changes made me stronger day by day. It was tough solving all problems alone. However Milind always showed me the right path.

Now in 2022, I am an independent person. I am staying with my two kids separately. I am having job stability, good health, enjoying life with my kids.
I now have the power to say no, to refuse, to resist certain things, attitude to fight back if needed. Thanks to Milind for making my life so simple, powerful and beautiful.
Most importantly, I am lucky to have Milind as a relative and a full-time coach in my life. I am proud to be his client.
Now no looking back. Life is full of possibilities in all aspects.
Now I just want to fly freely to fulfill my dreams.
Thanks to Milind.”

“I regained a sense of inner peace.”

Yogesh Krishnan – Senior Consultant, Singapore.

“I have generally been able to sort out things on my own throughout my life.

However, a stage came earlier this year when suddenly too many adverse things happened together which became a bit too much for me to handle and was affecting my general state of happiness.

Things ranging from relationships to career were not making sense to me. From being a person of high optimism and energy, I was starting to become a bit cynical.
Thankfully my brother recommended me to Milind.

Till date, I had never considered the possibility of having a life coach and was not sure what to expect from it. What compounded matters was that I am a hearing impaired person who depends on lip-reading or live captions.

However, Milind was very adjusting and agreed to taking the sessions via Google Meet (with the video being off – another first for me). Google Meet’s live captions was of tremendous help.

The introductory session was a massive boon for me since it gave me my first exposure to Milind’s patient style of listening and straight talk. I also enjoyed his constant reminders from time to time about how one should appreciate life and accept it as it is.

At no point of time did I feel any sense of compulsion to continue with the life coaching and all the choice was completely in my hands. I am quite a disciplined person in terms of timing and his complete adherence to the agreed-upon timetable was brilliant.

Over the course of the 10 sessions, Milind taught me certain tools which made me look at things from a fresh perspective and helped me regain a sense of inner-peace.
From this platform, I was able to sit back, calm down my inner-struggles and think about the way forward.

I have formed a few new habits – the best one being to not react immediately.
I now just wait a bit, gauge the situation using the tools Milind shared and then act accordingly.

One bad habit which I have been reducing to a large extent has been my propensity to get side-tracked by others complaints and also recognize whenever I was starting to create complaints of my own. This further enabled me to simplify things and manage conflict better personally and professionally.

There is still a long way to go but I feel so much more confident about handling it thanks to the strong foundation and fresh perspective gained from Milind.
Thanks to Milind, I have a new-found respect for life coaching.

In fact, I think there are so many things about it that could be implemented at school level which would help our children shape up to be far better human beings.
It is quite difficult to summarise the various other benefits I gained.

I would encourage all of you to have a session with him and see the benefits for yourself.
Last but not the least, a sincere Thank you to Milind for being a great aid in my life journey.”

“Am much more calm and contended at work now.”

Raj Kumar (name changed on request)- Senior Management professional, New Delhi.

“Dear Milind Sir, your contribution has been immense and you have added much more value, self belief and confidence in me than what I could put in words here.

Before getting coached by you, I was frustrated with work pressure, competition and felt that my supervisor doesn’t like me. I used to have an inferiority complex and fear of losing my job, not having financial security etc. This led to loss of confidence, heated discussions and gaps in relationship building.

Today after several months of your coaching, I am still working at the same organization but I am much more calm, contended and at peace. Much of my fear, anxiety, and negative stories have gone away.

There were a lot of concepts and perspectives shared by you and all of them have helped me. I used to keep a list of things which were bothering me and looked forward to our sessions every weekend. After each session I used to feel very relaxed as if some weight had been removed from my chest and felt enlightened.
Continue reading “Am much more calm and contended at work now.”

“A game changing experience for me.”

Sujit Samant (name changed on request) – Senior Management Professional, Singapore.

“I have always been interested in self-development and have managed to make steady improvements in my life over the years. There are times the curve flattens and that has kept me on the lookout for game changers. I had managed to find one in my professional life a couple of years ago but none for life in general. So, when I was referred to Milind for ‘Life Coaching’ by a close friend (and Milind’s coachee), I jumped at it and I can safely say it has been one of the best decisions of my life! Having completed 40 sessions over the past year or so, my outlook to life has transformed.

Let me share some of my reflections.
I’m sure most of us have heard of ‘blind spots’ – the “you don’t know what you don’t know” space and by the very virtue of what it is, it’s not something you can figure out yourself. I realized that we could live our entire lives without realizing why things happen to us in certain ways, and I suppose it is no surprise that the patterns tend to repeat. If I were to sum up Milind’s contribution, it has been to uncover these blind spots – bit by bit, conversation by conversation – and show me certain aspects of myself and approaches to life that I was blissfully unaware of and that were holding me back.

Over our sessions, Milind shared various concepts and frameworks – coaching distinctions as he calls it – which has helped shape my thinking and respond to situations to ‘empower’ myself (in the real sense of the word). He created an environment where I could share freely and held up the mirror to me when the need arose.
Continue reading “A game changing experience for me.”

“Found my life’s purpose.”

Simran Joshi – Solicitor, Wills & Estates, Melbourne.

“I got in touch with Milind when I was searching for someone who could help me find my life’s purpose. I felt there was so much I could do, but due to my past not so successful attempts at a couple of business ventures, I was low on confidence. Also, I wanted to strike a good work life balance without ignoring my young kids or my family life.

Milind introduced me to wonderful time management tools and helped me develop an attitude to work on it. I am pretty confident of managing my time in a much better way now than ever before. Besides that, he re-introduced me to the world of self development books which will be a constant source of inspiration and self development as now they are my friends for life.
Continue reading “Found my life’s purpose.”

“I regained my lost confidence and self-expression.”

Swati – Salaried Professional, Jamshedpur.

“I am a 31 yr old woman working as an engineer. Externally I was in a very good place – good job, family, friends, house etc but internally I felt broken. Also as a single woman I had got rejected so many times that it had shattered my self-confidence. I felt tired and defeated all the time.

I wanted to break free of my negative thinking and take control of my life. I found Milind Jadhav’s profile online and decided to give coaching with him a try.

In our coaching I started noticing how subconsciously I was having my own interpretation of every incident rather than seeing things just the way they were – it was a big eye opener for me. I learnt how to make peace with my present.

Another big discovery was how I was not taking charge of my life and kept on blaming others for my conditions, especially my parents. With coaching I took a step towards improving the relationship with my family and today I am very grateful and thankful for such a wonderful family. Sir coached me what being authentic really means and by being authentic I have created miracles in my life!
Continue reading “I regained my lost confidence and self-expression.”

“Changed my entire perspective of life.”

Roopa (name changed on request) – Salaried Professional, Sydney.

“I have been to counsellors before and nothing has helped and hence, I never believed in life coaches either. I contacted Milind as a result of my husband’s effort as he was very much interested in saving our marriage and saving me on a whole. I have been born and raised in Mumbai, India and worked as a salon manager/owner with only knowledge in skincare, beauty and hair.

I moved to Sydney, Australia two years back with my husband. A new country, new city, new house, new job, new husband, everything new, resulting in lots of difficulties, lots of compromising and lots of fights making my life falling completely apart. Finally I left my job because I just wasn’t able to balance my work/home life and stayed unemployed for a good 6 months. Completely burned out, no self-confidence, low self–esteem, no job, a failing relationship, negative at every aspect of life and nothing to look forward to, had summed up my life.

It was then I finally said yes to accept help and contacted Milind. My life has been a roller coaster ride since. Milind firstly, helped me to change my entire perspective of life, Continue reading “Changed my entire perspective of life.”

“I got over the fear of being ridiculed.”

Nitish Patil (name changed on request) – Salaried professional, Pune.

“I sought support from Milind to help me in achieving my goal to transition into entrepreneurship, a dream I had been cherishing since my college days. We had an exploratory call for 45 minutes in which Milind understood my expectations. He was very clear on the deliverables and ensured that there should not be any presumption nor communication gap.

The entire journey was amazing. It unfolded many facets. Many blind spots were highlighted, forcing me to introspect. He encouraged me to take small steps. I did. Later on I realized that he is laying the foundation stone. I was focusing on fruits without nurturing the roots !!!

Milind helped me to look deep within and shed my inhibitions and misconceptions. I gained more courage and confidence as the journey progressed.
Continue reading “I got over the fear of being ridiculed.”

“I discovered what it takes to be happy.”

Jagdish Agrawal, Surgeon – Rajkot.

“It’s a privilege for me to write a testimonial for Milind.

I was dealing with various breakdowns in my life.
1) I had extreme relationship issues with my dad.
2) I was spending way too much time on Whatsapp and Facebook on my mobile phone to the extent that it had started affecting my married life and professional life.
3) I was careless about my health and was growing obese.
4) I had a tough time in my marriage of 8 years where I could not learn the love language of my partner and was having an unsatisfied married life.
5) Professionally I was extremely uncomfortable dealing with my patients, especially when it came to monetary dealings.

It was then that I decided to get life coaching before things went from bad to worse and I found Milind on the internet. Milind is a patient listener and never judged me whenever I shared with him my deepest and truest feelings. He has been a silent guide who coached me every week to deal with one problem at a time.
Continue reading “I discovered what it takes to be happy.”

“Changed my view of my life completely.”

Suvarna Patil – IT Professional, Pune.

“I found Milind as a life coach when I was at the lowest phase of my life and had lost track of my life completely. His skills of probing me with questions helped me pin point the issues with my life and find solutions for the same. His guidance helped me change my view towards my life completely.

The virtues such as responding instead of reacting, giving up righteousness, and above all being in a state of mindfulness which I was introduced to during the coaching have enabled me to handle my life skillfully and I have start living in the ‘present’.
Continue reading “Changed my view of my life completely.”

“I left my job and started my business.”

Tanvi Jagtap – Entrepreneur, Mumbai.

“I started taking Milind’s coaching 11 months back, and my life will never be the same!! He has worked on every aspect of my life – Health, Finances, Family relationships, New business, Stress management and Business Strategy.

You can depend on him to be honest with you. Once I called him up after a major argument. He was honest enough to tell me, that I was not upset because of what happened, I was upset because I was unwilling to let go. He demanded that I be more forgiving, and freed me to pursue dreams rather than grudges.
Continue reading “I left my job and started my business.”

“Found meaning and purpose.”

Madhuri Pai – Self Employed Professional, London.

“Mid life crisis might be too strong a description but I was certainly feeling a sense of unease and restlessness when I first got in touch with Milind. I didn’t have any obvious problem going on and yet I had the feeling I wanted to lead a more rich and purposeful life. One where what I did counted for something and importantly one that I could look back on in,say, 10 years and say – “yes, that was time well spent and I can see I made a difference”.

Milind is gifted with drawing out your inner thoughts and motivations in the gentlest manner possible. He asks the right questions and leads you to the right answers. Having discovered these answers yourself, you know their truth and its easy to take ownership of action.
Continue reading “Found meaning and purpose.”

“Helped me discover my endless capabilities.”

Alok Kumar – IT Professional, Virginia (US).

“This is literally pouring my heart out with such a deep sense of gratitude I have for you Milind Sir!

I reached out to Milind when I exhausted other means to resolve the ever-increasing issues in my marriage. I was completely hopeless and decided to take responsibility to figure out everything that I felt was going south.

Initially, when I reached out, the idea I had was that he would provide some sort of immediate solution or in software terms “patches” and when applied will fix the problems or at least will help me “keep the ship afloat”.

But what ended up happening is Milind introduced me to a completely different world of living powerfully as a human being!!

He helped me discover and explore the endless capabilities that lie “within” which helped me transform and shape myself to be a better version of myself. Forget about just marriage problems, he instead helped me address so many deep issues which I had accepted as my personality over time while growing up.
Continue reading “Helped me discover my endless capabilities.”

“Helped me pursue something extraordinary.”

Rajdeep Rao (name changed on request) – Salaried Professional, Hyderabad.

“Before I started working with Milind, I was a drifter. I felt lost in life; directionless and powerless. After having completed 10 sessions with him, I can now confidently say that I feel a lot more POWERFUL and in CONTROL of my situation and my future.

I approached Milind to work out a plan for my life, a roadmap to help me achieve my maximum potential. I entered the conversation thinking that I’d come out of it with a static plan. What I came out of the conversation with, was an array of tools to help me make plans, a mindset to achieve the plans with integrity and commitment and more importantly an outlook to examine the motivations of my plans to begin with.

Thanks to Milind, I have a better understanding of various areas in life where I was AVOIDING RESPONSIBILITY. He helped me uncover several aspects I was blind to and made me realise how I was harming myself and holding myself back in those areas.
Continue reading “Helped me pursue something extraordinary.”

“Restarted my career after a 5 year break.”

Abhiram Datta (name changed on request) – Salaried Professional, Seattle.

“I needed help to restart my tech career after a 5 year hiatus. I was in self-doubt and worry and I wasn’t confident I could relaunch my career. I carried anger about my family situation and regretted my past choices.

Milind helped me move past blame and take personal responsibility for my own situation. He used a pragmatic approach to help me deal with my emotional issues and kept me accountable to my own self.

I had several breakthroughs in my thinking and my life perspectives. I shifted my own energy and it attracted me several job interviews. Milind helped me move forward in my life by helping me give up my complaints, grudges, resentment, blame, guilt, regret and hurt. So I could get to work on preparing for my job interviews and make better decisions.
Continue reading “Restarted my career after a 5 year break.”

“I now see the world in a new light.”

Viraj Jorapur – Post Graduation Student, Barcelona.

“I had just completed my undergraduate degree at IIT Kanpur and had decided to pursue my masters at Barcelona in economics. It was an unusual choice for someone graduating from IIT. I was supposed to get a high paying job and follow a standard path to “success” as defined by the society. I wanted to do something else and it was very unnerving. I saw my friends getting very “successful” in the traditional sense.

All this made me question myself daily and lose a lot of self confidence. It got to a point where I decided to actively search for help. I came across Milind’s web page and decide to have an introductory call to give it a try. It went very well and I decided to enrol for his services.
Continue reading “I now see the world in a new light.”

“I deal with life powerfully now.”

Soumya Satavisa – IAS Student, New Delhi.

“It was around the last week of February 2016 when I decided to have an exploratory coaching call with Milind sir. I had resigned from my job and resigned to my fate. I was very confused in life and badly needed help. Despite being a good performer in academics, I was unable to stand by my decisions in life. A lot of self doubt and resentment always attracted a set of negative emotions and I thought that I won’t be able to take it any more. I was fed up with myself, my life, relationships, my career as if everything was stagnated.

When I talked to sir for the first time, I felt that – *this is what I need in my life! A friend, a critique, a mentor , a coach*, I instantly signed up for the coaching. The best thing which I have taken away till date from his coaching is to deal with everything powerfully, that life is unpredictable but it’s a choice to love that unpredictable life. Within 7 months of coaching, I have shed off most my emotional baggage.
Continue reading “I deal with life powerfully now.”

“Life saver for me.”

Ajosh John – Salaried professional, Muscat.

“Milind Sir is more than a life coach for me. He was a life saver in my case. I have greatly evolved and transformed during these twelve sessions. I found myself sky-rocketing from the very first session. He is a honest person who is passionate about his coaching and that is the only reason which kept me on the track. He knows how to read minds and absorb all the negativity out of it.

I am now a positive person with a clear mind set and ready to fight the battle of life. For the first time in my life, I actually felt worthy and realized that I had achievements too. I have discussed everything with him, right from my professional life to personal life.
Continue reading “Life saver for me.”

“Life is brighter now.”

Karthik – IT professional, Pune.

“I came across Milind while I was searching for a personal coach online. I was going through a very tough time in my professional and personal life and needed someone who could help me out during the phase. Though I had searched for multiple people…it was my good fortune that I ended up selecting Milind as my personal coach.

My sessions with Milind over the 12 weeks that I interacted with him gave me a completely new insight into my life. He showed me the power of having gratitude for what I have instead of complaining about what I don’t have. He gave me the tools to help me become a much more disciplined person than what I was when I started off with him.
Continue reading “Life is brighter now.”

“Feel more equipped to deal with stress”

Akash Gupta (name changed on request)- Management professional, New Delhi.

“I am a mid-30s professional working in a high pressure consulting job.

I was going through an all time low phase of my life which I assumed as depression (after a careful thought over months). I thought through it for quite long and felt a need to visit a psychologist. I had these anxiety attacks and got suicidal tendencies at times (which I experienced for the first time in my life). I was not able to handle pressures and stress from various quarters of family and work.

Before going to a psychologist, I had a chance to speak to Milind. Frankly, I was apprehensive to talk to him initially as I didn’t want to have another session of motivational talk – I had had an overdose of these motivational talks, videos etc etc. Before our first coaching call, I felt it won’t be of any use as I am going through clinical depression.

During our first call, I clearly discussed my apprehensions with Milind and his responses were reassuring. I thought, at-least he understood the issue to start with. I also wanted to give it a try as I was very apprehensive to go to a Psychologist. After our first call, I was convinced that I should at-least give it a try.
Continue reading “Feel more equipped to deal with stress”

“I have let go of my negative self-talk.”

Maya Iyer – Musician, Mumbai.

“I was barely trying to live life in between frequent nervous breakdowns as I was diagnosed with chronic depression in February 2018. Every day was an ordeal to pass and I felt detached from myself and my life. I blamed the world around me, my family and everyone possible for the miserable feeling in me.

Little did I know, that the answer to my restlessness was within me. Little did I know that circumstances don’t necessarily need to decide how you feel about yourself and your life. Little did I know, that a random search on the internet would reveal to me a simpler, more empowering way of living life through this amazing man, I am proud to call My Coach.

To everyone out there who is trying to ape some pattern of life that seems certified, to everyone who is restlessly chasing a dream, to everyone who is tired of constantly feeling inadequate, your life can change right now.
Continue reading “I have let go of my negative self-talk.”

“My thyroid levels normalised by 50%!”

Rashmi (name changed on request)- Corporate Communications Professional, Bangalore.

“Life, as of today (post coaching) is marvellous, full of possibilities, energised, happy powerful, and synchronised. I am immensely grateful for the last 10 weeks. I’ve personally witnessed a new beginning of transformation within me – the peace, sanity
and renewed energy that has come to me after letting go of petty, unworthy habits and attitudes is truly priceless.

I was desperate to have my life transformed – and I found Milind as a coach at the right time. I hope I am able to describe this – I was falling into a deep pit of sorts and from that stage … today I am soaring with wind under my wings – wanting to soar higher… adoring myself, loving my life.
Continue reading “My thyroid levels normalised by 50%!”

“I got new eyes to see things happening in my life.”

Sameer Sharma – Senior Management Professional, Luxembourg.

“I have been seeking help from coaches and counselors since 2003 but I have been continuously moving so these interactions have taken place in two cities in India, then multiple locations in the United States and Europe.

Over the period of time, I learned the value of having a coach and while these sessions helped me overcome my immediate challenges, they left me feeling wanting more or going to hold habits due to inconsistency and sporadic connections. Not to forget, Covid-19 added to stress for all of us in the whole world.

That was the time when I was looking for a life coach to build a consistent and goal oriented self development program. I worked with some amazing coaches in the past but something was missing.

Looking deeper, what I found is that for any coach and coachee relationship to be really fruitful, there are two aspects, one part which is spoken and explained through dialogs but no less important part is unexpressed.

And that is the knowledge of context and hardwired part of nature which is rooted deep in culture and society where one was brought up.

My criteria was too demanding. I wanted the best celebrated coach with Indian roots who has worked in corporate culture, has a global perspective and is available for long-distance coaching. And moreover, ready to commit to a long lasting relationship.

One can wonder why long lasting? I was clear about this part that as I develop myself, my personal and professional life will grow in its demand. That means I will need a coach even more than when I started in the first place.

That is when I contacted Milind and he thankfully accepted my request and we had our first conversation. From that first session, I felt connected and I felt at home. And that is how my journey of self discovery and self development started with Milind in December 2020.

What can I say about my experience with him so far? Mahatma Gandhi once said – No one is so blind than the one who does not see. So true that we get blinded by our own prejudice and we become prisoners of our own judgement.

Milind has helped me see things the way I have not seen before. His ridiculously simple but magically effective tools to understand things give new eyes to see things happening in my life.

It is not that I do not make mistakes any more but I am certainly and clearly aware of my pitfalls and therefore I have control over my actions much more than I ever had in my life.
He has taught me to see facts and events for what they are and not the story that I used to build around them.

His approach to coaching is also something which I find very effective for me. He doesn’t provide me with ready made answers for my puzzles of life. He provides tools that help me find the root of the problem and intrigues me to the answer in my own words through my own discovery.

After every session, there is something new that I have learnt about myself and how I could handle the situation better in future. Our sessions have recently started moving from talking about problems to planning about a better future. He entices and ignites thoughts about a better me and in result a better tomorrow.

This reflects in all aspects of life and as result I have definitely improved my relationship with my wife, my older son, my parents and most importantly with myself. While I continue to seek his help and will do so for a long time to come, I already feel a different person. One who is more confident and is able to handle situations better than ever before.

I am so grateful to Milind for teaching me these powerful techniques and am looking forward to this life long relationship.”

“Helped me deal with stress, anxiety and low self-confidence.”

Tahseen – Salaried Professional, Mumbai.

My first interaction with Milind, in his exploratory session was that of unsurety and skepticism. I had been dealing with stress, anxiety, low self confidence and procrastination for the longest time. I kept moving forward looking for fulfillment from the things I was doing and hoping this constant lacklustre state would change. By the time I approached Milind, I was almost certainly convinced that mine is a case of depression and I need professional help in dealing with it.

Around the same time, I became aware of the concept of life coaching and that’s when I set up a session with Milind still unsure if this was the answer. This also meant I had plenty of questions for Milind during the exploratory session and after it – both of which Milind obliged without any hesitation or restraint.
Continue reading “Helped me deal with stress, anxiety and low self-confidence.”

“My life turned on its head.”

Aadi Dhingra (name changed on request) – Businessman, Mumbai.

“My life was going through navigating a minefield of emotions due to multiple failures. I had become extremely short tempered and self-doubting in everything I did. My level of execution was low. I was finding excuses and reasons to blame others for my failures. I was suffering greatly from low self-esteem, despite having achieved tremendous success earlier in whatever I did. This is when I decided to seek out help.

After some research, I shortlisted a few coaches and met them. Milind was the only one who insisted on talking on the phone. In the first 15 min of the 45 min session, his clarity, attention, and method of asking questions were enough to convince me.
Continue reading “My life turned on its head.”

“I moved Upwards and Onwards.”

Sachin Saksena (name changed on request) – Senior Creative Professional, Singapore.

“To say I was struggling with major issues in my new ‘dream job’ would be a gross understatement!

It was within the first 6 months of working with this global organization in Hong Kong when I first spoke with Milind. My professional career was a complete mess – there was nothing right happening at work. My team did not have confidence in my judgement or guidance, my leadership thought I was a wrong fit, and I was hating every minute spent at work. My confidence was rock bottom, and I felt that all my past successes were flukes.

It was probably the darkest phase of my career. Worst of all I was willing to take only about 5% ownership and accountability to what was happening – the balance 95% was everybody else’s fault!

Milind made me open up to completely different perspectives on how things were playing out. The biggest breakthrough for me was to become aware of the ‘random meanings’ & ‘stories’ we all attach to mundane situations & further complicate our lives.
Continue reading “I moved Upwards and Onwards.”

“I now live an empowered life.”

Amit (name changed on request) – Salaried Professional, United Arab Emirates.

“I worked with Milind for almost a year and the journey was nothing short of a fascinating one.

When I started working with Milind, I was in a state of clinical depression, unhappy at work, unhappy with the country I was living in, fighting with everyone around me at home and at work, without a goal; at the deep end of the abyss.

Milind taught me to be happy. A year later, the circumstances around me remain the same but my perspective of looking at them and dealing with them has changed. Milind re-wired my brain to look at life very differently. He taught me that the key to happiness lies within oneself but all of us keep looking for it everywhere but within. Nobody except yourself can make you happy. He taught me to live an empowered life.
Continue reading “I now live an empowered life.”

“I have become more resilient and optimistic.”

Poornima Singh (name changed on request) – Distinguished Scientist, Switzerland.

“I started my coaching with Milind in September 2018. Despite having a great job and a very loving & supportive partner, I found I was spiraling down a chasm of negative thoughts and felt I had no control on my circumstances. I am relatively new to working in the corporate world and was finding myself hung up on the challenges I experienced at work. As I was nearing a major age-milestone, I (fortunately) realized that something had to change. An additional thought was that I could “be the better version of myself”.

The best thing about Milind’s coaching style is that he is a great listener and his advice is always packaged with relatable stories. He has a great non-preachy and non-judgmental style. There is humor in his approach and he instantly put me at ease. I find him very principled, always punctual and well prepared.
Continue reading “I have become more resilient and optimistic.”

“Created a paradigm shift in me.”

Kunal Yadav (name changed on request)- Finance Professional, London.

“Before I approached Milind in December 2019, I had stagnated in my career for years and was also concerned about my unhealthy habits. My issues were coming from a lack of discipline and self control, lack of clarity and inability to accept my uniqueness.

In the first session itself, Milind talked about the importance of Integrity and that appeared like just the thing I needed to hear and just what I needed to implement. The sessions with Milind gave me back my confidence to accept myself the way I am.

Previously I had done a number of personality building workshops, including ‘Unleash the Power Within’ – from the most renowned Life Coach in the world today – Tony Robbins. However, a one on one coaching from someone who would patiently and attentively listen to me and then create a paradigm shift in me by suggesting a different and more useful perspective to the situation, was perhaps what I needed more and that’s what I received from Milind.
Continue reading “Created a paradigm shift in me.”

“Helped me connect well with my clients.”

Nilaya (name changed on request) – Architect, Pune.

“I was in a perplexed state of mind when I first contacted Milind. Over time people and their temperaments were intimidating me and I was given to being resigned to situations.

Having started my professional practice as an Architect, I was determined to make it a successful venture. While it was going good, it was not becoming great since I had my struggles while creating collaborations with people.

Coaching with Milind changed my thinking considerably. It has now made my thoughts and work more powerful. The coaching further endorsed my concepts of honouring my commitments and helped me better myself at it.

I got rid of the habit of “hearing” and got into “listening”, this has helped me immensely to connect with my clients and deliver appropriate solutions specific to their needs and not stylized by my perceptions. All work is now a “choice”, so each project is enjoyable and I firmly believe that I will ‘be’ the source for whatever I want to manifest.”

“I got my life back on track.”

Seema Naidu – Artist, Florence (Italy).

“Milind has been such a positive and supportive influence in my life. I really want to thank him for guiding me during a time in my life that was pretty difficult. Honestly the support and motivation he gave me is what helped me get my life back on track. He introduced me to tools that helped me transform myself from within. When I focused on bettering myself, outside situations worked themselves out. My husband and I got back together after separation and now it’s such a beautiful and nurturing relationship, he’s a great dad and the best partner. This makes me so happy that we are a family again.

Thank you so much Milind for being the most awesome coach!”

“Learnt how to keep my commitments.”

Catherine D’Souza (name changed on request) – Business Owner, Mumbai.

“I had just finished my Masters in the US and found myself back in India working for my family business. After being away for more than 7 odd years and having high expectations for my future I had to quickly delve back in to work and the culture here. After a month or two of being back I found myself lost and confused at where to start and how to handle all the changes. I also found myself managing a group of 20+ people and was scared at how to go about being their leader. After a lot of frustration I found myself looking for outside perspective and guidance.

After talking to Milind for the first time I knew immediately that he was the perfect person to be my coach. Unlike a lot of teachers in India he was patient, attentive and knowledgeable about all the troubles and experiences I was going through and started tackling them with me from the root. With every talk I had a week in-between to practice what I learnt. With this approach I would catch myself in old habits and immediately go back to what I was learning.
Continue reading “Learnt how to keep my commitments.”

“A phenomenally powerful experience for me.”

Ramesh Kishore (name changed on request) – Management Consulting Professional, Hyderabad.

“Coaching with Milind has been a phenomenally powerful experience for me.

I began coaching because I was struggling with problems of discipline and motivation in my day to day life. There were a lot of goals that I wanted to accomplish in life, but I was struggling to implement the kind of lifestyle that would be conducive to those goals. For example, I needed to transition from a late-riser to an early-riser, from sedentary to active, etc. Along the way, we would also deal with several special topics ranging from career goals to marriage plans!

Being a bit of a productivity geek myself, I’ve dived into various productivity concepts, frameworks and techniques (such as GTD, inbox zero, the power of rituals and habits, etc.) and was pleased to discover that Milind is very comfortable discussing any of these topics, adding new insights & examples and coaching me through my challenges with any of these techniques.
Continue reading “A phenomenally powerful experience for me.”

“Transformed the story I was telling myself.”

Saumya Sharma – Digital Marketing professional, New Delhi.

“I worked with Milind for a period of 6 months and this period was transformational. I had just lost my job and was very confused and demotivated about my next steps.

Milind trained me to change the narrative in my mind and helped me completely transform the story I was telling myself. He also helped me reconnect with better habits that I had completely let go off.

I learned two very important lessons from Milind- first was gratitude. I had never practised gratitude before. I thought I was grateful but in reality I was constantly complaining about everything. Milind helped me make gratitude a daily habit and this helped me deal with the constant negativity I was feeling.
Continue reading “Transformed the story I was telling myself.”

“Helped me avoid a knee jerk reaction.”

Vinod Mehta – IT professional, Bangalore.

“I wasn’t feeling very excited on 1st Jan 2020, so started to look for a life coach. Only thing in my mind was to quit my job and start doing SOMETHING else, without any clue what that “something” would be.

I found you and connected you on 2nd Jan. I am glad I made the decision at the right time. Your coaching helped me to cope up with the present and deal with it powerfully. My sessions were completed just before covid came swinging.

I still don’t know what I want to do next, but I am playing like Rahul Dravid and holding my fort powerfully. You have helped me to avoid any knee jerk reaction. I will continue to search for my passion in 2021, without running away from the task in hand. I would like to thank you for all the help.

All the tools and books you have introduced to me will guide me for the rest of my life. I strongly suggest anyone going through rough times should talk to you. Only prerequisite for success with you is open mind and sincere efforts.”

“Got clarity and courage.”

Hemant Deshpande – Business Owner, Pune.

“Milind is a fantastic life coach! I have been working with him for the last 1 year or so. When I met him first time, I was going through a challenging time in my work-life. I was confused about the future and stressed about the present. When I started working with Milind, slowly but surely I started getting clarity and gradually charted a path aligned to my passion and interest.

I have quit my corporate job and started my own business now. Milind was always available and provided constant support & encouragement. His optimism is contagious. He recommended some fabulous books and courses which had a massive positive impact on me. He is a wonderful human being and superb life coach. I recommend him highly!”

“I feel like I’m a better person.”

Vaishnavi – Salaried Professional, Hyderabad.

“The whole reason why I feel like I’m a better person, or I can do this on days I’m feeling like I’m the worst is because of you. You have been a pillar of strength during the darkest days of my life. I’ve had the best time being coached by you.

I hope you keep coaching people around you and making people like me happier, stronger and greater human beings until eternity.

When I first decided to get life coaching and took a demo class of yours. I thought to myself.. Oh a man of his age may not be the right fit for me. He’s much older than me, he wouldn’t understand what I’m going through. But the second I started talking to you, something changed. You were like my friend. Telling me how being happy and being you is the most important thing in the world.

I’m so glad I stumbled upon you in my lifetime. There are only a few people in your life you’re grateful to for meeting in your life and you are one of them. Thank you for everything.

Please try to make it for my wedding. You would make so happy.”

“A transformational journey for me.”

Jayita Rao – Salaried Professional, Udaipur.

“My life would not be the same without Milind as my coach. The coaching with Milind was perfect for me at this stage. It got me going and thinking! I would certainly need a lot more space to describe all the positive, life changing things that Milind has introduced me to through our sessions. I am so amazed at my thoughts on relationships, networking skills, responsibility, career planning and other several things that Milind helped bring to the fore.

Milind has an easy, patient and awesome manner.. giving guidance without leading, easily helping me to identify and deal with my situations/ conflicting thoughts in a comfortable, open manner. It has been a transformational journey for me. I have rediscovered myself in these last few months. I received a lot more than I signed up for.

Thank you Milind for the huge difference you made in my life.”

“Helped me quit my job and start business full-time.”

Krishna – Business Owner, Bangalore.

“My name is Krishna. I used to work as an IT professional. Before I decided to work with Milind, I was in a transitional phase from job to business. I needed someone to help me with my situation as I required personalized assistance and handholding. I was rather in a confused and an emotionally difficult state due to my past experiences and my failure to make any significant progress took a toll on me.

But Milind’s coaching turned things around in a matter of few weeks. Milind quite unbelievably was able to recognize my pain in quick time and he immediately chalked out a workable plan of action to take to me to the next stage. From then on, I never looked back.

I was amazed to see how rapidly I was making headway into my goals and deadlines. I beat my own expectations thanks to Milind’s encouragement and adept coaching skills. Milind would help me get unstuck by making me aware of my own limited ways of thinking.
Continue reading “Helped me quit my job and start business full-time.”

“Saw a dramatic transformation in my performance.”

KP – Automotive Engineer, Peterborough (United Kingdom)

“I’d like to take a minute and express gratitude for all the time and effort you have put in towards my development. I had a desk review with my manager and he told me there has been a dramatic transformation in my performance and personality since September.

Some of the key things you have taught me are decoding past, present and future, focus on the outer purpose as well as the inner purpose, accepting and choosing what life presents me, embracing myself, efficient doing and patience in expecting results. You are an awesome person and I am deeply grateful for all the time and effort you have spent.”

“Inculcated and sustained new habits.”

Kiran Prabhu (name changed on request) – Retail Professional, Bangalore.

“My association with Milind was written in destiny or chance as one believes. While surfing the net on coaching I happened to get into his site & I promptly got into an Exploratory session with him. Rest as they say is history. Coincidentally I also received a forward that day on what is the difference between a teacher and a guru? Though it was a long explanation, the gist was “A teacher takes responsibility for your growth. A Guru makes you responsible for your growth.”

I found a guru in Milind. He is non intrusive, a keen listener & promptly shows a mirror which makes you introspect. I always salute his integrity on time, which is rare in an Indian context. Every session would break a lot of myths,inculcate and sustain new habits. As the forward concludes “A teacher teaches, but a guru changes life”. I recommend Milind for anyone who wants to experience “the change” in life.”

“Overcame stress, fear and anxiety about job change.”

Rajesh (name changed on request), IT Professional – Bangalore.

“I was under lot of stress and fear about job change and uncertainty that surrounded me when I contacted Milind. One of his key messages that helped me first address the situation was to focus on the present moment and be unreasonable. Once I started practising this my perspective changed and it really helped me to achieve what I wanted in the past few months.

Also coaching helped me to focus on what I need to do rather than wasting precious time and energy on negative thoughts. I committed a certain amount of time every day that I will be working on something and he monitored them. It was quite useful. There are several more issues that I need to address and correct, but I feel I have got an instrument, a platform to handle them.”

“Got back my faith.”

Sneha Shiradkar – IT Professional, Hyderabad.

“Before I decided to seek coaching, I was quite apprehensive about spending money on something where I wasn’t sure of the outcome. I was already thoroughly confused due to my circumstances. I was heavily stressed out on the marriage front (I was 29 and single), my parents were on the verge of getting me married on gun-point, I was fat, I had a very low self-esteem (I thought I was committing a huge sin by troubling my parents and that is why I’m being punished) and so on. I had serious professional issues, I was losing interest on work, I was hopping from one job to another, overall I sucked professionally. The saddest part was I knew what could be done to get out of this, but felt too helpless to do anything.I had lost faith on almost everything.

When I took the exploratory coaching, Milind showed me a ray of hope, which I badly needed.
Continue reading “Got back my faith.”

“Helped me make a career switch.”

Sameer (name changed on request) – Senior Management Professional, New Delhi.

“I started coaching with Milind when I was in the process of moving on from my entrepreneurial venture, back to the corporate world. I had been working as an entrepreneur for seven years so I was anxious if I could actually make the switch.

Milind helped me prioritize my goals. He helped me become more positive and productive as I went about my job search. I became more patient and began trusting the process to make things happen. Milind also introduced me to a bunch of books and videos which helped me immensely.

I am happy to say that before the end of the 12 week coaching period, I have found a job at a senior position in a large company. I will recommend Milind highly to anyone who is trying to bring about a big change in his life.”

“I got perspectives to look at life more powerfully.”

Madhuri (name changed on request)- Media Professional, Mumbai.

“I am 27, he is 52, yet when we talk on calls, there is no gap I feel between us. We are always on the same side – like a team, trying to understand the intricacies of life and unlearn and re-learn lessons that take us forward and make us a better version of us.

I am one of those few people who call him by ‘Coach’. I started sessions with him when I had no one to listen to me and entangle the messy life experiences, inner voices, and unproductive behaviours that surrounded me.

I wanted someone to hear me out without judgement and provide perspectives to look at life more powerfully. That’s what Coach does the best.

Everyone has their dark, vulnerable side. To my recollection, he has never made me feel bad about it. He identifies the problem point and empathizes with the person. He knows that people are the result of their past, but he will always push you to make your future better and better.

Once, I was taking credit of an event which happened in my sister’s life thinking that I was instrumental in making it happen, by even resorting to an extreme coaxing method.
That’s when he showed me the mirror and said, “A, you are living in delusion. People do what they do when they think it’s the right time. By forcing them to do what YOU wanted, you have in fact pushed her away from you.” He was right. That changed me for good.
He also has an ocean of examples which makes his point-in-case crystal clear. Years down the line, I always will remember these little, yet real powerful stories to derive the lessons that is hidden within them.
Just like the saying goes, ‘The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is now’, I invite anyone considering to transform their life to take his coaching lessons starting today.”

“I improved my relationships with my parents and relatives.”

Smita (name changed on request)- Management Professional, Mumbai.

“I had not experienced life coaching before I started speaking with Milind. When I first spoke to him I did not know what to expect.

While I elaborated a problem statement to him, he made me reflect on areas which suddenly clicked in my mind as the real problem. I became aware that the root cause was the strain with which I was handling some relationships. And that was the real reason for me not feeling so good in other areas of life.

Milind is a powerhouse of energy and clarity. From my first conversation, I knew he was really an expert at his role. He gave me deep insights to navigating through my relations with parents and relatives. And practical frameworks to look at my job in a different light. Each of his sessions empowered me.

My thinking has changed to allowing myself to be in the flow of things. And to be unaffected by challenging people or circumstances. All his teachings are out there on a large board of post-its in my house so I can keep practicing what he taught me.

There is no doubt that he leaves anyone with a spark. A spark to change, think and reinvent yourself. Thank you Milind for empowering me.”

“I learned how to stay in the present.”

Vijay Sharma (name changed on request)- IT Professional, San Jose.

“I started my coaching around May 2020 during COVID phase. It was a time when I changed a job and was looking for a coach who can show me a few blindspots in my life/career. I had a good job and a great mix of social and personal life, but I always felt that I could do much better with my career.

Milind as a coach was very punctual in his appointments and a great professional. He is patient, attentive, knowledgeable and a great listener. His one of the best traits I found was storytelling skills. He would not push ideas on your head but instead he would tell a few of his personal or real life stories, which will naturally pull you to understand his lessons.
After a few sessions, you will have very friendly conversations and you can argue with him saying “you are wrong Milind on this”, but eventually he will still convince you why our mind works in a certain pattern.
Continue reading “I learned how to stay in the present.”

“Became inspired and encouraged.”

Abhay Nipane – IT professional, Pune.

“I remember approaching him couple of months back when I was very much confused about ‘WHAT NEXT’. He has helped me regulate my wellness area very effectively. Milind is a much-needed tower of strength that people in need can lean on. Today, there is a need for such people who can inspire and encourage people to work on leading a more positive and productive life. His recommendations are easy to adapt and practical while you are still not deviating much from your routine, so that it easy to implement in your daily life. His passion and involvement in clarifying doubts are commendable.

Overall every week for the last 3 months it was an hour well spent with him and this promises a great deal of change in my life. Thank you Milind for helping me have the right perspective and teach the importance of being Happy, Healthy and Hopeful!”

“Overcame my habit of worrying unnecessarily.”

Samir Prabhudesai – Self Employed Professional, Mumbai.

“I approached Milind with major issues of worrying too much unnecessarily and fixing my source of income. Right from the first session I got a feeling that the coaching is going to be interesting. The impact of the first session was I felt a bit lighter on the stress levels.

Milind has a set of powerful tools that need to be religiously used if one needs to feel the change in his/her life. I was able to overcome many limiting beliefs about myself after a few sessions. Milind’s coaching has put me on the right path to tackle my present issues and I am fully confident that I will overcome them. I would definitely recommend Milind’s coaching services to whoever feels he is stuck with some personal or professional issues in their life.”

“There is life before Milind and life after Milind.”

Suresh Khera (name changed on request)- Senior Management Professional, London.

“The coaching I got from Milind has profoundly improved my way of living. He has helped me to view life differently and take action.

From my relationships with others to career and my confidence problems, Milind helped me to identify my blind spots, with examples from his own life experience. His probing questions made me think deep and I often end up with a sense of enlightenment.

I feel glad that I have chosen to take life coaching from him. Its totally worth it.”

“I quit smoking.”

Ramesh (name changed) – Senior Management Professional, New Delhi.

“I have always been skeptical about life coaches , because I always believed that one has to do what one has to do and some one outside cannot guide you or know you to make it happen for you.

I was going through some turmoil and I took a chance with Milind. Milind and I have worked for 12 weeks. He is good at getting one to take action by being plain and simple. He gives different perspectives, which helped me to see things through various lenses.

While we were working on one project another result happened. I quit smoking. He will move a few levers and it will help get results elsewhere.”

“My life got better and easier to live.”

Aarti – Ph.D Student, Goa.

“Dear Milind sir!!!

I think I have not thanked you enough to make my life so much better and easier to live.  If I look back now, just one year earlier, I was in a mess. Holding onto so many unnecessary things.. then I took your sessions and you made it possible to be like the person that I am today.

And, you worked like a lucky charm for me today. I spoke to you earlier today, and I have received the best news of my PhD life today. I am so happy to share with you that my research paper has been accepted in one of the topmost journal in my field today.
This is all possible because of you. Having you as my life coach was the best decision ever.

Thank you again for accepting me as your coachee.”

“Came out of my dilemma.”

Amit (name changed on request) – Senior Management Professional, Baroda.

“I was looking for guidance as I was feeling stuck in a routine job and I was having an inclination to become an entrepreneur – how to start and how to take it forward. With Milind’s guidance I have come out of that dilemma and confused state of mind. The process was systematic and the preparation was step by step with focus on reality, facts and practicality.

There were excellent insights in the coaching and I will definitely need to revisit these from time to time to sharpen myself. They are my key tools for way forward.
Continue reading “Came out of my dilemma.”

“Helped me view life differently.”

Rudra (name changed on request)- Salaried Professional, Dibrugarh.

“The coaching I got from Milind has profoundly improved my way of living. He has helped me to view life differently and take action.

From my relationships with others to career and my confidence problems, Milind helped me to identify my blind spots, with examples from his own life experience. His probing questions made me think deep and I often end up with a sense of enlightenment.

I feel glad that I have chosen to take life coaching from him. It’s totally worth it.”

“Boosted my confidence.”

Vijay Sheth – Sales Manager, Chennai.

“My coaching sessions with Milind have helped me realize the areas where I had been stressed out and to create a thought process to manage the same. The sessions introduced me to my strengths & weaknesses. We discussed on the values & traits that I need to work upon to be happy. The books & videos he recommended are enriched with wisdom to lead a fulfilling life.
Continue reading “Boosted my confidence.”

“I learnt a lot about myself in just one conversation.”

Mahesh Babu, Aspiring Life Coach – Tirupati.

“I’m so fortunate to have this privilege of having a conversation with Milind, a couple of days ago. There is an old adage: “When the student is ready, the Guru will appear”, absolutely the same happened to me.

As I was contemplating to get in touch with him inspired by his FB posts, he himself had put a post sharing his willingness to mentor aspiring Life Coaches like me. I took this opportunity and immediately pinged him, he was so gracious to accommodate me and call me promptly at the agreed time and date.

The 1 hour conversation that happened between both of us was totally ‘blissful’ and I learnt a lot about myself. Towards the end of our conversation I felt a bit guilty as I had got such wonderful precious gems free of cost, so I offered him to pay for the time spent with him. But Milind was so gracious, he gently refused my proposal and the words he told me I will never forget in my life. ” Mahesh, coaching is not always about money but more of ‘Blessings’ we receive from the opposite party once their life challenges are solved. Those are golden words which I want to remember for the rest of my life.

I’m in the process of getting my coaching certification and next step I’m going to sign up for Milind’s mentorship classes. From the bottom of my heart ❤. I passionately recommend Milind to everyone out there for all your ‘coaching’ needs.”

“Benefited personally and professionally.”

Ashraf Ali, Director – Life Academy Center for Self Development, Chennai.

“I have known Milind for more than 9 years now and I have personally & professionally benefited a lot from his inputs. Milind is an excellent Life Coach with a very deep understanding of the human mind and its processes. He is a continuous learner and he shares his valuable knowledge generously.

He embodies the term “Go-Giver” and creates tremendous value for all the people connected with him. Apart from Life Coaching, he is also an expert in Personal Branding, New Age Sales and Marketing skills. I wholeheartedly recommend his services to anyone interested in their personal / organizational growth.”