Does this resonate with you?
• Fed up of not being confident, not being able to express yourself, in the workplace or in your personal relationships?
• Struggling to grow in your career, confused over what your next move should be and believe that you have phenomenal untapped potential?
• Finding it difficult to overcome procrastination and have had difficulty in forming and sustaining productive habits despite multiple attempts?
• Always overthinking, constantly worrying and stressed out and unable to enjoy life and be in present moment?
• Realizing the need to improve your relationships as a means to live a more fulfilling life but hit a road block?
If some of these resonate with you, then you’re in the right place.
Hi! I’m Milind. An IIM Bangalore Alumnus, corporate professional turned life coach empowering senior professionals to deal with their life’s challenges powerfully through one on one coaching since 2012.

As a Life Coach here’s what I do
• Challenge you
• Hold you accountable and make sure you really do live up to your potential
• Help you create a guidance system and new habits that will enhance your productivity and thereby your success
• Spend time helping you determine what it means for you to feel like a winner
• Through powerful conversations, I give you access to ideas you may already hold, but are not yet aware of
• Create a space that gives you clarity around what you actually want
• Become a sounding board for you
• Support you in big decision making
• Give you direction in times of confusion, opinion and if necessary, advice
• Brainstorm with you to flesh out new ideas
• Observe what you are achieving and acknowledge you for it
• Help you with aspects of your life such as gaining peace of mind, maintaining work-life balance, taking control over your life and becoming accountable to yourself through the implementation of action plans
• Provide you those much needed tools, support and structure
Here’s what some of my clients have to say about how they feel after coaching with me
“I now realize my power and I can unleash it to cause my own reality.”
“It was like a fog was clearing in my mind.”
“I wake up full of confidence.”
“I feel like a free bird.”
“I was able to let go of my life-long toxicity for people in my life.”
“I have developed the ability to fight injustice.”
“I regained a sense of inner peace.”
“Am much more calm and contended at work now.”
“A game changing experience for me.”
“Found my life’s purpose.”
Click on any of the above quotes to read the full success stories expressed by these clients in the Success Stories section. Each of them has been written from the heart by clients who got amazing results through my coaching. I am grateful for them sharing their experience and their life story here so generously.
What makes coaching work?
Coaching works because the Coach becomes that one person to whom you decide to be accountable to. That itself works wonders because the primary aim of coaching is to move you into taking action; especially on those aspects of your life that are important to you, but you have been stuck .
It’s amazing how much people will get done when they know someone will ask them next week: “Did you do it?” By being there on the other end of the phone, a Coach helps you put your attention on what’s important in your life.
(It’s like without a running partner, you may not run as far, or even at all! With one, you’re attention is on running. You’ll run more often, further, smarter, have more fun.)
Working with a Life Coach is a SMART decision
Working with a Life Coach DOES NOT MEAN that you are weak and incapable of solving your own problems. It does not mean there is something wrong with you.
It just means that you are smart enough to CHOOSE to do in half the time, half the energy and half the heartburn, with the support of a coach, what you can do on your own anyway!
Remember, no one NEEDS a coach. It’s just a slower, less fun – and often – more expensive road without one!
My clients come from all walks of life
Clients of mine who are salaried professionals, work in companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS, Citibank, HSBC, Godrej, Unilever, Cadila, Glaxo SmithKline, Lemon Tree Hotels, L&T etc. The people I coach are in technical roles as well as in middle/senior management positions or in leadership roles.
I also routinely coach businessmen and women as well as self-employed professionals. In the past I’ve coached several surgeons, doctors, chartered accountants, musicians, filmmakers and a couple of psychiatrists, airline pilots, merchant navy captains, supreme court lawyers, high court lawyers and young upcoming Bollywood stars. In my 12 years and 7000 hours of coaching experience I have provided one on one life coaching services to senior people in India and abroad. Nearly half my client base is in India and the rest are NRIs.
Clients in India
NORTH: Chandigarh, Dehra Dun, Delhi NCR, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Jabalpur, Manali, Meerut, New Delhi, Noida
WEST: Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kolhapur, Mumbai, Pune
SOUTH: Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mangalore, Port Blair, Thiruvananthapuram.
EAST: Bhilai, Bokaro, Bhubaneswar/ Cuttack, Dibrugarh, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Ranchi, Shillong.
Clients outside India (NRIs)
United States & surroundings: Arlington, Baltimore, Barbados, Boston, Dallas, Gainesville, Herndon, Irvine, Los Angeles, Manchester, Maryland, Milpitas, Milwaukee, Mississauga, Morristown, New York, O’Fallon, Pleasanton, Pittsburgh, Rahway NJ, Redmond, Ridgefield, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle and Toronto.
Europe: Athlone, Barcelona, Basel, Birmingham, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Florence, London, Luxembourg, Manchester, Munich, Peterborough, Stockholm, Warrington, The Hague, Zurich.
Middle East: Doha, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Kuwait, Muscat, Qatar, Riyadh.
Africa: Cairo, Nairobi, Port Louis.
South East Asia (excluding India): Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.
Australia: Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney.
Ready for the next step? Go ahead, request for a complimentary 45 minute exploratory coaching session with me by clicking here.
If you have already been through the Success Stories or other sections of this site and are SERIOUSLY considering exploring life coaching for yourself, a good idea will be to set up a Exploratory Coaching Session with me. Like all coaching sessions, this session too will be on the phone (usually Whatsapp audio calls).
In the Telephonic Exploratory Coaching session..
a) You will get an opportunity to clearly express to me and articulate the challenges you are dealing with, without the fear of being judged or being fixed.
b) You will understand what it will take to create a breakthrough in those areas of your life that are not working. In relation to this, you will understand how I coach and what to expect in a 10 session one one one coaching engagement with me.
c) Needless to add what you will NOT get in this session is some ready, quick-fix, superficial solutions/ perspectives on your challenges. (That’s NOT how coaching works).
d) You will get an opportunity to ask me any questions you have about the coaching process and get any doubts you have cleared.
Here’s a list of media publications I’ve been featured in over the years. Click here to view the media articles.

Ready for the next step? Go ahead, request for a complimentary 45 minute exploratory coaching session with me by clicking here.
The link will give you access to a calendar which shows my REAL-TIME AVAILABILITY.
Thank you for visiting my website. You can read my blog articles or you get some frequently asked questions answered. You can know more about me in the About section.
You can contact me on my cell: +91 88068 55904 (between 7am IST and 7pm IST any day of the week).